Michał OleszakinTowards Data ScienceReinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) for LLMsAn ultimate guide to the crucial technique behind Large Language ModelsSep 231Sep 231
Michał OleszakinTowards AIAdversarial Machine Learning: Defense StrategiesKnow thine enemy and protect your machine learning systems.Jul 19Jul 19
Michał OleszakinTowards AIZero-Shot and Few-Shot Learning with LLMsGuidelines for optimal use.Apr 18Apr 18
Michał OleszakinTowards Data ScienceDesigning RAGsA guide to Retrieval-Augmented Generation design choices.Mar 1410Mar 1410
Michał OleszakinTowards Data ScienceDetecting Concept Shift: Impact on Machine Learning PerformanceWhen should I retrain my model?Jan 161Jan 161
Michał OleszakinTowards Data ScienceEvaluating Large Language ModelsHow do you know how good your LLM is? A complete guide.Jan 143Jan 143
Michał OleszakinTowards AIBuilding a Recommender for Implicit Feedback DataProvide personalized recommendations without knowing your users.Sep 4, 20232Sep 4, 20232
Michał OleszakinTowards Data ScienceOrganizing a Machine Learning Monorepo with PantsStreamline your ML workflow managementAug 18, 20232Aug 18, 20232
Michał OleszakinTowards AIAI Pulse #2: Meta’s Human-Like AI & Small Language ModelsMeta’s two new models learn more as humans do, and what do small language models actually learn?Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023